Tracy Silva Barbosa
Tracy Silva Barbosa’s paintings create delicate narratives that address issues of age, sensuality and transcendence. Whether it a spare flight of birds or twisted stalks of flora, there is a lyrical motion that reflects the passage of time. Often sequential moments of time are animated with asymmetrical compositions, creating rich psychic realms full of color, balance and harmony.
As an artist, I am concerned with traditional landscape issues in our current modern environment. I employ both glass sculpture and acrylic painting on canvas to create light and landscape out of an otherwise abstract atmosphere. My work uses the juxtaposition of certain imagery to create a delicate narrative vocabulary to begin addressing issues such as age, sensuality, and transcendence. With the spare flight of birds and twisted stalks of plastic flora, it is my intention to create a lyrical motion, which reflects the passage of time as alluded to in the form of number patterns that act as shadow and echo the structure of any given bit of imagery. Often sequential moments are represented together, animating these asymmetrical compositions with a seemingly natural yet fabricated motion that’s easy for the mind’s eye to follow. These composite landscapes are assembled from my own photography along with archived scientific drawings, diagrams, and catalogues. Juxtaposing this with natural paint textures and various applications of gold, silver, and copper leaf, I attempt to conjure a rich psychic realm full of color, balance and harmony.