Takeyce Walter is truly inspired by the landscape. This is ever apparent when standing before any of her paintings. Walter’s work in oil and pastel present the landscape of the Northeast in all its glory. There is a great sense of familiarity, calm, and peacefulness in each piece.
The paintings feature the rural landscape of upstate New York, the Adirondacks, Cape Cod, and Vermont. Walter is especially inspired by, and drawn to the water; rivers, lakes, marshes, streams and the ocean. She is fortunate to live in close proximity to the beautiful Hudson, Mohawk, Au Sable Rivers and visits the beaches of Cape Cod during the summer.
Walter is a painter and art instructor whose return to painting in 2005 has been documented on her blog. She made a commitment to finishing at least one painting a week and started blogging to help track her progress. Many years later, she has maintained that commitment and is currently producing art on a prolific basis. In addition to exhibiting her paintings online, she also exhibits in local venues in the Upstate New York Capital Region. Her art has found homes in many private collections across the country, and internationally.
In the artist’s own words:
“The beauty found in nature often overwhelms me. I am driven by an ever-present and irresistible urge to capture that beauty to share with others. My recent work reflects the beauty I see in the natural landscape around me. I am most inspired by, and drawn to quiet and peaceful scenes. The paintings are of places I’ve experienced with all of my senses, composed with intent to reconstruct the sense of connectedness I feel with nature.
My process of creating art is nourishing, energizing, and exhausting all at once. My goal when starting a painting is to capture the impression a place or a moment has left upon me. I need not lay down every blade of grass to capture the mood and atmosphere that originally drew me to a composition. I work primarily with oil paint and soft pastels to capture these moments.
I am inspired, and I hope my work inspires others to take pause, and really experience the beauty around us.”