Operating out of her home in Saratoga Springs, NY, Nancy Magnell specializes in the art of reverse glass painting. Very few people in the country practice this form, and even fewer use it to paint landscapes. Working initially on canvas, landscape painting has been Magnell’s specialty since her 20s, when she replicated the works of Hudson River artists.
Her unique application of the Hudson River aesthetic to the reverse painted glass medium brings an enhanced sense of depth and mood to the traditional landscape so that one feels pulled through the connected vistas of her portraits of nature as through the unfolding events of a story. Her subtle manipulation of light and color create a sense of drama and suspense that makes these works recognizably emotional and personal.
The viewer cannot help but feel that he or she has been lent an intimate glimpse into the metaphorical dream-world of Magnell’s mind, where each monument and passageway in nature is a life event, a lover or a family member trying to take form as part of the terrain.