From the artist:
“My family travelled extensively but I spent most of my childhood in New Jersey. I have always loved and created artwork but was not sure if I could find a way to make a living at it. I graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in illustration. My career in framing began, however, when I got a job at Gallery Picture Framing in Pittsford, NY after I graduated. At the same time I began landscape painting finding the Genessee River valley beautiful and inspiring. I received my Certified Picture Framer certificate in 1999. When I moved to the Saratoga Region in 2004 I framed for Frame of Mind and later for Framework which is now Kettlewell & Edwards.
Today I live in Bacon Hill near the Hudson River and enjoy painting the farmland and river views in my area. My paintings have beenincluded in The Finger Lakes exhibition in Rochester, the Landscapes for Land’s Sake show, The Three Pears Gallery in Dorset, Vermont, and at Riverfront Studios, now the Laffer Gallery in Schuylerville. I have also had work on display at the Southern Vermont Arts Center. My work is now included in many private collections.”