Susan Stuart
Susan Stuart was born in Worcester, Mass., and lives and works in Albany, N.Y. She earned an MA’76 from UAlbany and a BFA’69 from Syracuse University and studied with Rudolf Baranik at the Art Students League from 1991-1996. Stuart has won numerous awards for her work, including special merit at the American Drawing Biennial,Williamsburg,VA and in 1995 she received national recognition from the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation’s Teacher Artist Program, Colorado Springs, Co. Stuart taught junior high and high school art for 33 years and now continues her painting full time, with emphasis on two different series: architecture and dogs. The work is abstract and precise in its execution, filled with textured color on a grand scale.
Artist Statement
Statement For “Upstate Invitational”
This work is part of an on-going series of paintings inspired by construction sites. I have previously played with distortions in linear perspective and now with abstraction of space and shapes. In these pieces the architectural imagery is eliminated yet reference to structure remains.
Within the painting there are two disparate painting approaches happening. Where the method becomes most pronounced, a conversations occurs.